Students and faculty are invited to become members of the University Student Conduct Board. For more information please visit the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office to pick up an application.
Any member of the Buffalo State community may file an incident report. This report can be filed with your RD, RA, or University Police, or the Dean of Students. Depending on the nature of the incident, statements may also be submitted to the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office. All incidents must be reported in writing.
Official complaints can be filed with the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office by completing the following form, or picking up a report form in the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office. The official complaint form must be signed and turned into the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office.
You will be contacted by the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office primarily by campus E-Mail, but students may also be contacted by phone, or US Mail.
No. Complaints are reviewed by the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office Staff to determine if the complaint is valid and if it warrants a University Student Conduct Hearing. Students have the right to have their case heard by the University Student Conduct Board, or to solve it "Informally" with the Student Conduct and Community Standards Staff.
YES! The University Student Conduct System and the court system are different and the University retains the right to hear cases of student conduct that may have already been resolved in civil/criminal courts.
Yes. The University has the ability to exercise "long-arm" jurisdiction in cases involving students where there is a definite and legitimate college interest. (Ex: house parties, Greek Life functions, sanctioned university events, community disturbances, etc...).
Yes, you have to attend all hearings as scheduled. If you choose not to attend, the hearing will be held in your absence and you will be responsible for any sanctions assigned in your absence.
All Student Conduct and Community Standards records are kept within the institution and may impact a student in a variety of ways. Some examples include:
Prior incidents may impact the severity of sanctions assigned by a hearing officer or Student Conduct Board for subsequent violations.
A Student Conduct file may prevent students from studying abroad or partaking in other college-sponsored activities or organizations.
Certain violations may result in the loss of student financial aid eligibility.
Certain violations may preclude Education majors from gaining certifications or licensures.
Certain violations may result in the removal from the residence halls.
Student Conduct and Community Standards records may prevent students from gaining employment with certain agencies or departments or admittance into graduate programs.
No. Advisers who have been trained in the university Student Conduct process are available to you free of cost. However, if you choose to obtain legal counsel, it will be at your own expense. If a lawyer is retained they are prohibited from acting on behalf of the student in all University Student Conduct proceedings. They may only advise their client and serve as a support system. Students are responsible for defending their own actions and choices. Advisers who do not abide by the guidelines in the Code will be excluded from the process.
Sanctions are determined based on the details and severity of the offense. The Student Conduct Process allows the University to impose a wide variety of sanctions. Expulsion is the most severe sanction Buffalo State can impose on a student. It is reserved for the most serious violations of the Code. Depending on the incident and the impact it had, expulsion may be warranted.
Yes, any student found responsible for violating the Code has a right to appeal the decision of the University Student Conduct Board. For more information on appeals, refer to the Code of Student Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities.
Yes, but only evidence that is directly related to the case.
Lack of knowledge of a rule is not an excuse for misconduct. Every student is responsible for knowing the policies and procedures of the University, so it is important for you to read the Code of Student Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities. If you are unsure about the contents of the Code, please ask for clarification.
For more information, please contact the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office at (716) 878-3051 or visit us in Bengal Hall, Lower Level- Room 14
Student Conduct and Community Standards
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